Exploring The Gifts of Summer Rain at Woodside National Historic

Exploring The Gifts of Summer Rain at Woodside National Historic Site


The JK Forest Campers have been keen observers of change at Woodside National Historic Site, inspiring us adults to look carefully, engage deeply, and celebrate fully. They observed the rapid growth of the plants in their Three Sisters Garden, and the growth of the plants in the Woods. The children have observed the growth cycles of amphibians, insects and many more beings through Spring and Summer.

The group was particularly interested in the fungi growing on a great big stump near the pavilion. The children noticed that the Red-belted Bracket Fungi that have been part of their beloved stump for years started “to grow and change”. The children noted that they have been using the large woody fungi as their “stepping ladder” and they thought the fungi “weren’t alive anymore”. Surprisingly, the generous rain has revived them and new growth layers emerged.

The children built the safety zones around the fire area and built the fire with wood pieces, bark, and leaves they collected. We used the logs the children cut with bowsaws several weeks ago. We have been patiently drying the logs in the shed and finally they were ready to use. The children roasted “spider dogs” on this sunny “International Hotdog Day”. Cheerful conversations emerged around the fire as ketchup framed smiles grew broader.

Dewe’igan engaged the children in a territorial acknowledgement, a thanksgiving address, and a wonderful discussion about the Medicines of the Four Directions.

The children visited the Three Sisters Gardens with Dewe’igan and Emily and were rejoicing in the growth of the Plants. The group of gardeners noticed little tunnels and burrows, wondering what kind of little animals might have moved into the lush green garden. 

We visited the Forested area adjacent to the meadow and said hello to the Plants, Toads, Frogs, Birds, and Insects who welcomed us into their beautiful green home. Groups explored the hills, some children worked on their Parks Canada Challenge, some children rested in the hammocks and observed Nature around them listening to the gentle breezes.

We are looking forward to exploring Woodside as Summer’s bounty and beauty surrounds us. What a glorious season to spend outdoors in wonderful company!