Seasonal Projects at Woodside National Historic Site with The Cedar A Explorers

Seasonal Projects at Woodside National Historic Site

The changing weather provided us with opportunities to explore nature through drizzle and sunshine. The children continued exploring the trees and the moss covered ground for signs of Spring. To our surprise we found germinating Maple and Chestnut seeds which prompted long discussions about the lifecycle of trees. Examining the Mother Maple, the children noticed moth egg sacks, and cocoons under the tree bark. We reviewed our previous knowledge and expanded our learning about the lifecycle of insects.

The children worked hard on building the fire, and were busy collecting and whittling sticks for roasting Marshmallows.

A group of children decided to engage in a research project focusing on birds, the group discovered a unique book that followed a variety of bird species mapping their movements through landscapes and we shared the story with the whole group.

The Cedar A children continued their project wondering about the Universe and the Solar System. A group shared four different ways of drawing Stars and several children observed a creative peer while he drew the solar system. A group of children worked on a large Solar System Puzzle. The children practiced the names of the planets expanding our vocabularies. The children wondered about the meaning of the names of planets, we discovered that they were named after Ancient Roman Gods.

It was inspiring to see the focused engagement of the children with the natural world, their eager curiosity and amazing wealth of ideas and knowledge.

Please let us know if you could enhance the children's ongoing projects with your expertise.

Eva M.