Centre Closure extended until July 5, 2020

Dear Emmanuel Families,

Emmanuel at Brighton Child Care Centre Board of Directors and the Leadership team have made the decision to extend our closure until at least July 5, 2020.

The safety and wellbeing of our families, children, and employees continues to be our top priority. Timelines and guidelines for reopening childcare centres have not yet been provided by the Province of Ontario or the Ministry of Education. We need access to these guidelines to ensure we have the appropriate time to fully develop, communicate and operationalize a reopening plan with guiding principles that consider the health and safety of children; health and safety of employees; and quality of programming.

Given known timelines, it is not feasible for Emmanuel to consider a safe reopening any earlier than July 6th; while this date may push later into the future, we know that it can not occur sooner. Extending the closure reiterates Emmanuel’s commitment to ground decisions based on what is right for our Centre, families, and employees once government and health authorities have approved reopening within the sector.

The Emmanuel leadership team and the Board will reassess further closure as the situation continues to evolve.

Thank you,

Dana Bernhardt, Executive Director

Eve Nadler, Board Chair