
Vanessa Parks

Board member since 2019
Governance Committee

Vanessa joined the Emmanuel community in 2019. Her son, Thomas, graduated from the Cedar room last year.

As a writer and editor, Vanessa is passionate about connecting people through the written word. She has a background in marketing and communications, and has worked in higher education, insurance and technology. Vanessa also has experience serving on a not-for-profit Board and is eager to further develop her knowledge of governance. This is Vanessa’s fourth year on the Board, and she is pleased to continue in the role of Secretary.

Spending time in nature was an important part of Vanessa’s childhood, and she has been excited to share these experiences with her son, who loves exploring our many local natural spaces as well as his own backyard. Vanessa and her family enjoy camping, when they can get away and reconnect with the natural world together. In her spare time, you can find Vanessa lost in a good book, wandering through the woods, or taking a few deep breaths.