Grant Saepharn

Board Member since 2020 
Chair of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee 

Grant has been part of the Emmanuel at Brighton Child Care Centre community since 2019 when his eldest child started attending the Centre in the Sprouts room. Grant grew up in Waterloo and now resides in Kitchener with his partner and two young children.  

Academically, Grant holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Waterloo and Master of Professional Education from Western University. Professionally, Grant works in higher education as an International Learning Coordinator focused on helping learners explore international learning opportunities and develop their intercultural fluency.  

Grant’s love of nature and the outdoors began as a child being crammed in a minivan along with his siblings on family fishing and camping trips. His hope is to instill a similar love of the outdoors in his children by visiting a different provincial park each year (hopefully without subjecting them to a crammed minivan).